Images of the Issue

Rectal Polyp Caused by Schistosoma Haematobium

Nick Janssen, Jeroen Heemskerk, Arjan P. Willig, Susan M. Toebosch


Nonsteroidal Anti-Inammatory Drug (NSAID) – Induced Colopathy with Diaphragm-like Strictures

Ricardo Küttner Magalhães, José Manuel Ferreira, Isabel Pedroto


Adenocarcinoma of the Right Colon Penetrating the Liver

Adrian Bartos, Dana Bartos, Victor Ona, Iurie Acalovschi, Cornel Iancu


A Typical Case of Bouveret’s Syndrome, or Not?

Gusta van Zwieten, Eric B. de Goede, Ronald T. van der Laan, Jeroen Heemskerk


Original Article

The Contribution of Intrabolus Pressure to Symptoms Induced by Gastric Banding

Claudia Preissler, Claudia Krieger-Grübel, Jan Borovicka, Michael Fried, Radu Tutuian


Barrett's Esophagus and Intestinal Metaplasia of Gastric Cardia: Prevalence, Clinical, Endoscopic and Histological Features

Ofelia Daniela Pascarenco, Alina Boeriu, Simona Mocan, Ghenadie Pascarenco, Silvia Drasoveanu, Marinela Galeanu


Transnasal Endoscopy is Preferred by Transoral Endoscopy Experienced Patients

Abdurrahman Kadayifci, Mustafa Atar, Serap Parlar, Ayhan Balkan, Irfan Koruk, Mehmet Koruk


Healthy PNPLA3 Risk Allele Carriers Present with Unexpected Body Fat Composition. A Study of One ousand Subjects

Agnieszka Kempinska-Podhorodecka, Marcin Krawczyk, Marta Klak, Malgorzata Blatkiewicz, Frank Lammert, Piotr Milkiewicz, Malgorzata Milkiewicz


Nailfold Capillaroscopy in Primary Biliary Cirrhosis: a Useful Tool for the Early Diagnosis of Scleroderma

Francesco Tovoli, Alessandro Granito, Luca Giampaolo, Magda Frisoni, Umberto Volta, Marco Fusconi, Chiara Masi, Marco Lenzi


A Real Life Boceprevir Use in Treatment-Experienced HCV Genotype 1 Patients with Advanced Fibrosis

Liana Gheorghe, Speranta Iacob, Iulia Simionov, Florin Caruntu, Adriana Motoc, Victoria Arama, Liliana Preotescu, Ion Stefan, Adrian Goldis, Cristian Brisc, Sorin Rugina, Nicolae Rednic


Relationship between NT-proBNP and Cardio-Renal Dysfunction in Patients with Advanced Liver Cirrhosis

Adriana Cavasi, Eduard Cavasi, Mircea Grigorescu, Adela Sitar-Taut


Characterization of Focal Liver Lesions using Contrast Enhanced Ultrasound as a First Line Method: a Large Monocentric Experience

Ioan Sporea, Alina Martie, Simona Bota, Roxana Sirli, Alina Popescu, Mirela Danila


Scientific Publications on Portal Vein Thrombosis and Budd- Chiari Syndrome: a Global Survey of the Literature

Xingshun Qi, Jia Jia, Weirong Ren, Man Yang, Valerio De Stefano, Juan Wang, Daiming Fan



Metabolic Syndrome, Insulin Resistance, Circadian Disruption, Antioxidants and Pancreatic Carcinoma: an Overview

Aldo Giudice, Anna Crispo, Galdiero Massimiliano, Giovanni D’Arena, Mario Felice Tecce, Maria Grimaldi, Alfonso Amore, Emanuela Esposito, Maurizio Montella


Benefits of Curing Hepatitis C Infection

Rui T. Marinho, Sofa Vitor, José Velosa


Case Reports

Unexpected Peutz-Jeghers Syndrome in an Adult Presenting with Intermittent Upper Intestinal Obstruction. A Case Report

Paula Szanto, Valentina Barbieru, Radu Badea, Teodora Pop, Ioana Rusu, Nadim al Hajjar


Simultaneous Occurrence of Two Rare Diseases: Actinomycosis and Melanoma of the Rectum

Eugen Dumitru, Irina Magdalena Dumitru, Razvan Popescu, Ghiulendan Resul, Ionut Bulbuc, Sorin Rugina




Mihaela Lupse


Fibrin-glue-sealed liver biopsy: indications, complications and results

Rosa M. Martín-Mateos, Antonio López-San Román, Concepción García-Sánchez, Fernando García-Hoz, Luis A. Gil-Grande, Elena Garrido Gómez, Miguel García-González


Increased levels of serum amyloid A during the early phase of hepatitis C treatment with interferon are associated with sustained virologic response – a pilot study

Michael Gschwantler, Melisa Dulic, Emina Dulic-Lakovic, Remy Schwarzer, Franz Rieder, Wolfgang Graninger, Christoph Steininger


Is there a role for chromoendoscopy in the diagnosis of coeliac disease?

Alexander J. Johnston, Matthew Kurien, Anastasios Avgerinos, Peter D. Mooney, David S. Sanders
