Images of the Issue

Lichen Planus: A Rare Cause of a Narrowed Esophagus

Patrick Hoversten, Amrit K Kamboj, Kavel Visrodia, Tsung-Teh Wu, Jeffrey A Alexander


Original Article

Helicobacter Pylori Eradication Therapy is Not Associated with the Onset of Inflammatory Bowel Diseases. A Case-Control Study

Rosa Rosania, Ulrike Von Arnim, Alexander Link, Mirjana Rajilic-Stojanovic, Caspar Franck, Ali Canbay, Peter Malfertheiner, Marino Venerito


High Concordance between Trained Nurses and Gastroenterologists in Evaluating Recordings of Small Bowel Video Capsule Endoscopy (VCE)

Alessandra Guarini, Francesca De Marinis, Cesare Hassan, Raffaele Manta, Vincenzo De Francesco, Bruno Annibale, Angelo Zullo


100% Sustained Virological Response and Fibrosis Improvement in Real-Life Use of Direct Acting Antivirals in Genotype-1b Recurrent Hepatitis C following Liver Transplantation

Speranta Iacob, Razvan Cerban, Corina Pietrareanu, Carmen Ester, Razvan Iacob, Cristian Gheorghe, Irinel Popescu, Liana Gheorghe


Serum miRNA-122 is an Independent Biomarker of Survival in Patients with Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis

Kilian Friedrich, Carina Baumann, Andreas Wannhoff, Christian Rupp, Arianeb Mehrabi, Karl Heinz Weiss, Daniel Gotthardt


Centralized Care For Acute Pancreatitis Significantly Improves Outcomes

Szilárd Gódi, Bálint Erőss, Zsuzsanna Gyömbér, Andrea Szentesi, Nelli Farkas, Andrea Párniczky, Patrícia Sarlós, Judit Bajor, József Czimmer, Alexandra Mikó, Katalin Márta, Roland Hágendorn, Zsolt Márton, Zsófia Verzár, László Czakó, Zoltán Szepes, Áron Vincze, Péter Hegyi


Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

Efficacy and Safety of Sofosbuvir-containing Regimens in Chronic Hepatitis C Patients with Genotype 2 and 3: a Comprehensive Analysis of 18 Randomized Controlled Trials

Haozhi Fan, Peng Huang, Ting Tian, Jingjing Wu, Xueshan Xia, Yue Feng, Jie Wang, Rongbin Yu, Yun Zhang, Ming Yue


Systematic Review

Morbidity and Mortality of Hepatic Right Lobe Living Donors: Systematic Review and Perspectives

Pauline Brige, Géraldine Hery, Sophie Chopinet, Anaïs Palen, Daniel Azoulay, Emilie Gregoire


Position paper

Gastrointestinal Endoscopy in Patients on Direct Oral Anticoagulants. A Consensus Paper of the Romanian Society of Gastroenterology and Hepatology

Andreea Farcas, Simona Bataga, Cristina Cijevschi, Mircea Diculescu, Daniela Dobru, Eugen Dumitru, Adrian Goldis, Laurentiu Nedelcu, Alina Popescu, Ioan Sporea, Anca Trifan, Simona Valean, Cristian Gheorghe, Dan Lucian Dumitrascu


Case Reports

5-ASA Induces Mild Acute Pancreatitis. Case Report and Review of the Literature

Ágnes Meczker, Alexandra Mikó, Péter Hegyi



Severe hyponatremia after direct-acting antiviral treatment in a patient with virus C compensated liver cirrhosis and kidney transplant

Cătălina Mihai, Bogdan Mircea Mihai, Mihaela Dranga, Vasile Liviu Drug, Adrian Covic, Cristina Cijevschi Prelipcean


Liver stiffness better predicts portal hypertension after HCV eradication

Corina Radu, Oana Stancu, Roxana Sav, Anca Bugariu, Alina Suciu, Crina Grigoras, Bogdan Procopet, Horia Stefanescu, Zeno Sparchez


In memoriam

Coman Tănăsescu (1942-2018)

Razvan Ionescu
