
Background and Aims: Gaucher disease (GD) is one of the most common lysosomal storage diseases. It is characterized by the accumulation of glucocerebroside lipids in the macrophages, with liver, spleen and bone marrow frequently affected. The affected organs can develop tumor-like lesions (Gaucheromas), which are difficult to diagnose. We present the Gaucheromas and their ultrasonographic characteristics.

Methods: We selected Gaucheromas and their ultrasonographic characteristics found in the last 5 years during the periodical evaluation of 74 adult GD patients in Romania. All the patients had magnetic resonance imaging examination for comparison. A systematic review of all the Gaucheroma-related articles was performed to compare our results with the literature.

Results: Gaucheromas were found in 7 adult patients: 4 in the spleen, 2 in the liver and one affecting the bone. No malignancy ultrasound characteristics were found and neither on MRI exams. In the literature, 10 articles reported Gaucheromas, most of them in the liver and spleen in type 1 GD patients. All our patients were also type 1 GD, and the ultrasound aspect did not change during the 5 years follow-up.

Conclusions: Gaucheromas can be found in any patient with GD. Malignancies have to be considered unless proven otherwise. Imaging characterization (ultrasound and MRI) are useful as histopathologic examination is difficult to obtain in all cases.


Gaucher disease, Gaucheroma, ultrasound, splenic, hepatic, bone marrow