Small Bowel Inflammatory Involvement in Behçet’s Disease Associated Spondyloarthritis Is Different from Other Spondyloarthritides. A Prospective Cohort Study
Background & Aims: Behçet's disease presents some similar clinical features with seronegative spondyloarthritides (SpA), raising the question whether a subgroup of patients with Behçet's disease belong in fact to the latter. As the already known inflammatory involvement at the level of the small bowel in SpA patients could not be extrapolated for patients with Behçet's disease associated SpA (BehSpA), the present study aims to investigate and compare it in these diseases.
Methods: 54 consecutive patients with a form of SpA, and 7 patients with BehSpA were enrolled and submitted to videocapsule endoscopy (VCE) examination. After reviewing the VCE findings, calculation of the score of small bowel mucosal inflammatory change (Lewis) was performed for each patient. The comparison was made with a control group, sex and age-matched to the patients in the study groups.
Results: The Lewis score differed in the groups considered for analysis (mean of 439, 179 and 81 in the SpA, BehSpA and the control group, respectively, with p = 0.04 for the comparison SpA vs. BehSpA and 0.05 for the comparison BehSpA vs. controls). C reactive protein (CRP) level was markedly reduced in the BehSpA group vs. the other SpA group (2.08 and 14.02 mg/L, respectively; p = 0.053).
Conclusion: The significant difference in intestinal inflammatory involvement in BehSpA versus the other SpAs, as well as the significantly lower serum levels of CRP, as revealed by the present study, clearly draw a line between the two disease entities.